Webpage Optimization in Detail
To optimize a webpage for the search engines means to get it searched, seen and approved by the SERPs. A webpage optimization is also necessary for the public, because it is easier to find information on the page that is divided into titles, paragraphs and where the most important thoughts and ideas are marked in bold print than to look for the information on the webpage with a continuous text.
How to Optimize a Webpage for the Search Engines
Title Optimization is one of the most important elements for the search engines. Its optimum length must be in an average of about 65 – 70 symbols, because many search engines tend not to include more than that quantity. Keywords must be used at the beginning of the title. Appropriate use of keywords is extremely important for the search engines.
Megatag Optimization. The meta tags usually contain a summary of the webpage content. The meta description must include keywords relevant to the content of the webpage. The number of symbols must be considered in each of the meta tags and by so doing, the webpage will be easily found in the search engines.
Header Optimization
- The H1 tag involves the article's name. According to importance, it takes the second place after the title. The keyword usage is very important here and this greatly helps the webpage to obtain higher rankings.
- The H2 tag is the sections of an article. No matter, how many H2 tags there are on the webpage, keywords must be used in almost all the sections.
- The H3, H4, H5, H6 tags have the least importance towards the search engines and their content almost don't bring any value to the SERPs.
Tag Reference for Text Formatting. Though the tags you are going to use to mark words or word combinations aren’t very important to the search engines, but it is mandatory to use at least one tag with a keyword on each webpage.
Keyword Optimization. The position in the search engines depends directly on the correct use of keywords and keyword phrases. In order to choose appropriate keywords and attract buyers, not just browsers, you should avoid single keywords and the use of 2-4 word keywords phrases. It is explained by the fact that a buyer knows more about what he wants than a browser.
Image Optimization is in fact the image reduction that helps to load the webpage faster and boost SEO. Why wasting your time and resources, if it's possible to reduce the size of an image without losing its quality?
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Very useful content, thanks)