Meta Tags Optimization
It is generally acceptable and obligatory to write meta tags and as well pay meticulous attention to them, because that is one of the main factors of successful optimization.
Meta tags contain information about the webpage and its description for the search engines. That information is mostly meant for the site-visitors, that is why it is invisible to them, apart from the title of the webpage.
Meta tags that play an important role for promotion are the following:
- The meta title tag;
- The meta description tag;
- The meta keyword tag.
Meta tag Optimization in Detail
The Meta Title Tag informs the search engine of the name and title of the webpage. While writing, much attention should be paid to the tags. Here are some pieces of advice on how to write the title properly:
- The optimum length of the tag should be about 50-80 symbols (as usual – 75).
- The title must reflect shortly and clearly the essence of the webpage, that is; it must be maximally relevant to the text. Otherwise, the search engines will choose the title independently.
- Keywords or keyword phrases should be used in the title. However, each keyword mustn't be used more than three times. If it is possible, the title should be unique for each webpage.
- A correct writing of this tag is important not only for the search engines, but also for the public. If you want your website to be recognized, it is advisable to make the title very attractive and informative for the web-visitors. There is also need for the use of competitive words which will be of great advantages and inform of the product and service.
The Meta Description Tag is used for writing a brief summary of the content of the webpage. To attain higher rankings, one should stick to the following recommendations:
- The length of the tag must vary from 150 to 200 symbols. It is no use writing more symbols, because they won't be read by the search engines.
- A correct description should contain keywords, which are used in the text for optimization. More frequent requests should be written in the beginning of the description. It is not recommended to use in the tag more than 3-4 keyword phrases. One and the same keyword shouldn't be repeated more than 5-7 times.
- The tag must describe the content of the exact page. The text must be understandable and laconic. It is not advisable to use common phrases.
- The mega description tag must be different from the title tag.
- The content of the description should be appealing to the Internet user and give the whole picture of the information he is going to get from the webpage.
The Meta Keyword Tag is responsible for key requests, which influences the position of the website in the search engines. However, now these requests have a less influence than they had 5-7 years ago. Anyway, below is a guide to a great meta keyword tag:
- The length of the tag can be up to 250 symbols (preferable up to 150), each keyword or keyword phrase should be marked by a comma.
- This tag must include only those words which are really used in the article.
- It isn't advisable to use too many keywords (in average 7-10).
If meta tag optimization is made correctly according to the rules, then the website will attain higher rankings!